
Returns a static object used for routing. This hook will never update, and is only used for imperatively controlling the router.

It takes no arguments and returns object of type:

type Router = {
/** Go back in the history. */
back: () => void
/** If there's history that supports invoking the `back` function. */
canGoBack: () => boolean
/** Navigate to the provided href using a push operation if possible. */
push: (href: Href, options?: LinkToOptions) => void
/** Navigate to the provided href. */
navigate: (href: Href, options?: LinkToOptions) => void
/** Navigate to route without appending to the history. */
replace: (href: Href, options?: LinkToOptions) => void
/** Navigate to the provided href using a push operation if possible. */
dismiss: (count?: number) => void
/** Navigate to first screen within the lowest stack. */
dismissAll: () => void
/** If there's history that supports invoking the `dismiss` and `dismissAll` function. */
canDismiss: () => boolean
/** Update the current route query params. */
setParams: <T = ''>(
params?: T extends '' ? Record<string, string | undefined | null> : InputRouteParams<T>
) => void
/** Subscribe to state updates from the router */
subscribe: (listener: RootStateListener) => () => void
/** Subscribe to loading state updates */
onLoadState: (listener: LoadingStateListener) => () => void

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